Results for 'Rhonda Carnell Grego'

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  1. The Kingdom of Love and the Pride of Life.Edward John Carnell - 1960
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  2. The Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr.Edward John Carnell - 1950
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    A philosophy of the Christian religion.Edward John Carnell - 1952 - Grand Rapids,: W. B. Eerdmans Pub Co..
    Christianity is a coherent religion. It never asks the heart to trust values which the reason is obliged to discard as contradictory. No value commitment is completely satisfying until the complete man is satisfied. --from the preface.
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  4. Christian Commitment: An Apologetic.E. J. CARNELL - 1957
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    Reading Austen’s Lady Susan as Tory Secret History.Rachel Carnell - 2013 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 32:1.
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  6. The Case for Orthodox Theology.Edward John Carnell, L. Harold DeWolf & William Hordern - 1959
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    Eating Behavior and Weight in Children.Clare Llewellyn, Susan Carnell & Jane Wardle - 2011 - In Luis A. Moreno, Iris Pigeot & Wolfgang Ahrens, Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 455--482.
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    Kepler's Philosophy and the New Astronomy.Rhonda Martens - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    Here, Rhonda Martens offers the first extended study of Kepler's philosophical views and shows how those views helped him construct and justify the new astronomy.
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    An analysis of undergraduate and graduate student nurses' moral sensitivity.Rhonda W. Comrie - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):116-127.
    This study describes the level of moral sensitivity among nursing students enrolled in a traditional baccalaureate nursing program and a master’s nursing program. Survey responses to the Modified Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses from 250 junior, senior, and graduate students from one nursing school were analyzed. It was not possible to draw conclusions based on the tool. Moral category analysis showed students ranked the category structuring moral meaning highest and interpersonal orientation second. The moral issue ranking highest was honesty, (...)
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    Interoceptive awareness in eating disorders: Distinguishing lack of clarity from non-acceptance of internal experience.Rhonda M. Merwin, Nancy L. Zucker, Jennie L. Lacy & Camden A. Elliott - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (5):892-902.
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    Organ Donation in Aotearoa/new Zealand: Cultural Phenomenology and Moral Humility.Rhonda Shaw - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (3):127-147.
    In Aotearoa/new Zealand, organ donation and transplantation rates for Māori and non-Māori differ. This article outlines why this is so, and why some groups may be reticent about or object to organ donation and transplantation. In order to do this, I draw on the conceptual and methodological lens of phenomenology and apply what Van Manen calls the existential themes of lived body (corporeality), lived space (spatiality), lived time (temporality) and lived other (relationality and communality) to a discussion of the cultural (...)
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  12. The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth.G. C. Berkouwer, F. F. Bruce, Edward John Carnell, J. Gresham Machen, Reinhold Niebuhr & Paul Tillich - 1956
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    Dementia care, robot pets, and aliefs.Rhonda Martens & Christine Hildebrand - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):870-876.
    Studies have shown that using robot pets in dementia care contributes to a reduction in loneliness and anxiety, and other benefits. Studies also show that, even when people know they are dealing with robots, they often treat the robot as though it is a real pet with genuine emotions. This disconnect between beliefs and behavior occurs not just for people living with dementia, but with cognitively healthy adults, including those who are knowledgeable about how robots work. One possible explanation is (...)
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    Dimming the “Halo” Around Monogamy: Re-assessing Stigma Surrounding Consensually Non-monogamous Romantic Relationships as a Function of Personal Relationship Orientation.Rhonda N. Balzarini, Erin J. Shumlich, Taylor Kohut & Lorne Campbell - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Gender And Elder Care In China: The Influence of Filial Piety and Structural Constraints.Rhonda J. V. Montgomery & Heying Jenny Zhan - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (2):209-229.
    The authors explore the changing dynamics of gendered familial caregiving in urban China within the context of economic reforms and the continued cultural influence of xiao. Data collected in China through interviews with 110 familial caregivers were used to examine cultural and structural influences on the caregiving behavior of adult children. Results from multiple regression analyses provide evidence of a gendered division of parental care tasks, a decline in the patrilocal tradition of caregiving, and a strong social pressure that influences (...)
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    Can we make wise decisions to modify ourselves?Rhonda Martens - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 29 (1):1-18.
    Much of the human enhancement literature focuses on the ethical, social, and political challenges we are likely to face in the future. I will focus instead on whether we can make decisions to modify ourselves that are known to be likely to satisfy our preferences. It seems plausible to suppose that, if a subject is deciding whether to select a reasonably safe and morally unproblematic enhancement, the decision will be an easy one. The subject will simply figure out her preferences (...)
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    Emotion regulation difficulties in anorexia nervosa: Relationship to self-perceived sensory sensitivity.Rhonda M. Merwin, Ashley A. Moskovich, H. Ryan Wagner, Lorie A. Ritschel, Linda W. Craighead & Nancy L. Zucker - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):441-452.
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    Harmony and simplicity: aesthetic virtues and the rise of testability.Rhonda Martens - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 40 (3):258-266.
    Copernicus claimed that his system was preferable in part on the grounds of its superior harmony and simplicity, but left very few hints as to what was meant by these terms. Copernicus’s pupil, Rheticus, was more forthcoming. Kepler, influenced by Rheticus, articulated further the nature of the virtues of harmony and simplicity. I argue that these terms are metaphors for the structural features of the Copernican system that make it more able to effectively exploit the available data. So it is (...)
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  19. Critical Reflections on Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.Rhonda Hammer & Douglas Kellner - unknown
    The February 2004 release of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ is a major cultural event. Receiving a tremendous amount of advance publicity due to claims of its anti-Semitism and adulatory responses by conservative Christians who were the first to see it, the film achieved more buzz before its release than any recent film in our memory.1 Gibson himself helped orchestrate the publicity with selective showings of The Passion and strategic appearances on TV shows where he came off as (...)
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  20. (1 other version)([email protected] and [email protected]).Rhonda Hammer & Douglas Kellner - unknown
    John Hartley opens his short history of cultural studies by evoking a sense of the contested nature of the field in the contemporary moment and the intense debates about its objects, scope, methods, and goals: “Even within intellectual communities and academic institutions, there is little agreement about what counts as cultural studies, either as a critical practice or an institutional apparatus. On the contrary, the field is riven by fundamental disagreements about what cultural studies is for, in whose interests it (...)
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    Rethinking the Body and Space in Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenology of Music.Rhonda Claire Siu - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (4):533-546.
    What is initially striking about Alfred Schutz’s phenomenological account of the musical experience, which encompasses both the performance and reception of music, is his apparent dismissal of the corporeal and spatial aspects of that experience. The paper argues that this is largely a product of his wider understanding of temporality wherein the mind and time are privileged over the body and space, respectively. While acknowledging that Schutz’s explicit or stated view is that the body and space are relatively insignificant to (...)
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    Ethics, moral life and the body: sociological perspectives.Rhonda M. Shaw - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What kinds of contributions can sociologists make to debates about ethics? What makes sociological investigation of morality and ethical issues distinct from philosophical concerns? Is there a place for a separate subfield within the discipline of sociology that deals specifically with questions of ethics and morality? This book places these questions on the sociological agenda. The first part of the book addresses the 'ethical turn' in sociology, and includes chapters on defining ethics and morality, lay understandings of ethics, sociological accounts (...)
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  23. Defining Extreme Sport: Conceptions and Misconceptions.Rhonda Cohen, Bahman Baluch & Linda J. Duffy - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24. Keeping Up With the Jones's: Addressing Aspects of Archaeological Representation.Rhonda R. Bathurst - 2000 - Nexus 14 (1):1.
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  25. The Virginia Plan for Dual Enrollment: A Historical Perspective.Rhonda K. Catron - 1998 - Inquiry (ERIC) 2 (1):13-21.
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    (1 other version)Going Public Without Selling Your Soul.Rhonda Hillbery - 1992 - Business Ethics 6 (5):24-26.
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    Un-ESOP Fables.Rhonda Hillbery - 1991 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 5 (4):12-13.
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    Cooperation in bike racing—When to work together and when to go it alone.Rhonda Hoenigman, Elizabeth Bradley & Allen Lim - 2011 - Complexity 17 (2):39-44.
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  29. How positionality and intersectionality impact Black women's faculty teaching narratives : grounded histories.Rhonda C. Hylton - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom, Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
  30. How positionality and intersectionality impact Black women's faculty teaching narratives : grounded histories.Rhonda C. Hylton - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom, Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Timelessness and Negativity in Awaiting Oblivion: Hegel and Blanchot in Dialogue.Rhonda Khatab - 2005 - Colloquy 10:83-101.
    Set in the minimalist abode of a sparsely furnished hotel room, Awaiting Oblivion narrates the encounter between a man and a woman, anonymously known as Il and Elle, respectively. The plot revolves around their relationship, the nature of which is the concern of their dialogue. Their dialogue intermittently emerges through a narrative voice that is, however, infused with the very same confusion and vacillation as is their own speech. The man and woman are caught in an undulating relation of attraction (...)
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  32. Deeper Leads: New Approaches to Victorian Goldfields History [Book Review].Rhonda Lawless - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (1):73.
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  33. Kepler's Archetypes in Discovery and Justification.Rhonda M. Martens - 1997 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    Kepler, the father of modern physical astronomy, believed that the world is ordered by Archetypes . As quaint as this may seem, I argue that Kepler's archetypes provided methodological and epistemological solutions to problems in physical astronomy acknowledged during his time. ;Kepler used the assumption of a harmony between the archetypal and physical world to argue for the legitimacy of certain methodological innovations. The main difficulty facing astronomers at that time was the availability of observationally equivalent competing astronomical hypotheses. Kepler's (...)
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    Kepler's solution to the problem of a realist celestial mechanics.Rhonda Martens - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 30 (3):377-394.
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    Optics: Paralipomena to Witelo, and Optical Part of Astronomy. Johannes Kepler, William H. Donahue.Rhonda Martens - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):607-608.
  36. LdySnow's Blog.Rhonda L. Patterson, Eng122 English Composition Ii & Ashley Rutledge - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Application of the technology and innovation park concept in the developing world: Dimensions and considerations.Rhonda Phillips - 2003 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (4):46-60.
  38.  21
    Performing Breastfeeding: Embodiment, Ethics and the Maternal Subject.Rhonda Shaw - 2004 - Feminist Review 78 (1):99-116.
    Many feminist sociologists would agree that most breastfeeding research to date has been primarily undertaken from the perspective of medical and public health discourses. While there is evidence of a shift in research on breastfeeding to qualitative studies that focus on the lived experiences of breastfeeding women, this article addresses a number of concerns remaining in the literature surrounding breastfeeding. First, it questions the absence of breastfeeding as a legitimate philosophical topic, and, as a corollary, the invisibility of breastfeeding women (...)
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    Theorizing Breastfeeding: Body Ethics, Maternal Generosity and the Gift Relation.Rhonda Shaw - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (2):55-73.
    This article is designed to explore ideas in the recent sociology of morality about the conjunction of ethics and embodiment in everyday life. While it draws on an interpretation of the ethical encounter as a relation of moral proximity, it extends this conception of ethics beyond the dyad to include a discussion of gift giving and generosity in the present context. This is done in order to analyse a concrete empirical event in terms of the web of moral and social (...)
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    The ethics of the birth plan in childbirth management practices.Rhonda Shaw - 2002 - Feminist Theory 3 (2):131-149.
    This article is an exploration of the ways in which maternal subjectivity is negotiated and defined in the context of the act or process of giving birth. As such, it is offered as a contribution to and discussion of recent feminist evaluation of childbirth management systems. Written from the partial perspective of my own experiences of pregnant and maternal embodiment, the article considers whether the ethic of the birth plan is a satisfactory representation of consumer needs and participation in contemporary (...)
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    Rethinking Sovereignty.Rhonda D. Smith - 2004 - Southwest Philosophy Review 20 (2):211-214.
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    Claiming the bones again: Native americans and issues of bibliography.Rhonda Harris Taylor - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (1):21 – 26.
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    The Color of Memory: Interpreting Twentieth-Century U.S. Social Policy from a Nineteenth-Century Perspective.Rhonda M. Williams & Carla L. Peterson - 1998 - Feminist Studies 24 (1):7.
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  44. Analysis of citations to biomedical articles affected by scientific misconduct.Anne Victoria Neale, Rhonda K. Dailey & Judith Abrams - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (2):251-261.
    We describe the ongoing citations to biomedical articles affected by scientific misconduct, and characterize the papers that cite these affected articles. The citations to 102 articles named in official findings of scientific misconduct during the period of 1993 and 2001 were identified through the Institute for Scientific Information Web of Science database. Using a stratified random sampling strategy, we performed a content analysis of 603 of the 5,393 citing papers to identify indications of awareness that the cited articles affected by (...)
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    Exploring the educational aspirations–expectations gap in eighth grade students: implications for educational interventions and school reform.Chris Michael Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Angela Scott, Denise Wren, Corinne Nilsen & Deltha Q. Colvin - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (5):507-519.
    Over the past three decades, more and more students are expressing a desire to attend college, yet for many members of disenfranchised groups, this goal is often not attained. While many factors contribute to these disparities, research has shown that students begin adjusting their expectations (what they think they can achieve) for the future in relation to their idealised aspirations (what they would like to achieve). The current study explores this gap among 207 eighth grade students from two urban middle (...)
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    Ultrasound’s ‘window on the womb’ brings ethical challenges for balancing maternal and fetal health interests: obstetricians’ experiences in Australia.Kristina Edvardsson, Rhonda Small, Ann Lalos, Margareta Persson & Ingrid Mogren - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):31.
    Obstetric ultrasound has become a significant tool in obstetric practice, however, it has been argued that its increasing use may have adverse implications for women’s reproductive freedom. This study aimed to explore Australian obstetricians’ experiences and views of the use of obstetric ultrasound both in relation to clinical management of complicated pregnancy, and in situations where maternal and fetal health interests conflict.
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    Anna Marie E. Roos. Luminaries in the Natural World: The Sun and the Moon in England, 1400–1720. xiv+325 pp., illus., bibl., index. New York/Washington, D.C.: Peter Lang, 2001. $63.95. [REVIEW]Rhonda Martens - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):718-719.
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    Book Review: Kepler's Philosophy and the New Astronomy. [REVIEW]Rhonda Martens - 2004 - Annals of Science 61:133-134.
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    Elisabeth Okasha, Women's Names in Old English. (Studies in Early Medieval Britain.) Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2011. Pp. xiii, 136. £55. ISBN: 9781409400103. [REVIEW]Rhonda L. McDaniel - 2013 - Speculum 88 (3):837-838.
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    Book Review: Sharing Milk: Intimacy, Materiality and Bio-Communities of Practice by Shannon K. Carter and Beatriz M. Reyes-Foster. [REVIEW]Rhonda M. Shaw - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (3):456-457.
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